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Welcome and Reminders!

Lots of great info in this blog post, please read through it all!

~ Welcome to Studio Teams

~ Solo/Duet Information

~ Competition Team Reminders

~ No Class on Monday, 09/04 for Labor Day

~ Sign up for Text Messages


Welcome to our Studio Teams who start September 5th-September 7

Studio/Recreation Class Reminders:

  • Please bring the completed forms listed below next week and drop off in the office. These were sent previously in an email or can be downloaded here

    • Auto Pay Form

    • Liability Form

    • Commitment Form

  • You will be receiving an email with a link to join our BAND group. We will be using this group chat application to share important information and instructional videos.

  • We ask that parents do not stay to watch their dancer. It is very difficult for our teachers to lead their class when the dancers are distracted. We do welcome parents to watch from the waiting areas the last 5 minutes of class and teachers will also be uploading progress videos on the band app.

  • Please be on time dropping off and picking up your dancer! Teachers have classes back to back and cannot watch kids left at the studio! If you will be late, please call and let the office know.

  • Tuition is due by the 15th of every month. $15 late fees will be posted on the 16th of each month for accounts not current. Enrollment in our autopay system is required for all tuition charges.

  • The first costume fee of $85 will be Due by October 1st. Included in this fee will be a pair of tights and dance shoes along with all costume pieces. We will be measuring the dancers during their dance classes. The second costume fee of $60 will not be due until February 1st. These fees will not be part of our autopay system and must be paid separately through the office or online. A $15 late fee will be added if not paid on time.

  • A $3 processing fee is charged for any debit/credit card transactions (aside from our autopay system). We accept cash/checks to avoid this fee.

  • Recital fees will be posted in November for $55, (Except for Toddler Time class) and will be due by December 10th. Entry to our December Recital will be FREE for spectators. Date and time TBD!

  • Dance attire is required for dance class! Please have dancers wear form fitting dance clothes. No jeans, baggy t-shirts, etc! We want to see those lines! Dance shoes will be coming with their costume package. If they do not have a dance shoe yet, bare feet during class is fine.

  • Don't forget to. pull hair back securely and bring a water bottle!

We are SO EXCITED to get the year started! Any questions, please let us know!


Solo and Duet Dancers

Please make sure you've joined the BAND group to ensure you're receiving all the updates and information. If you have not joined, please email the office and we'll send you the link!


Competition Team Info and Reminders

  • Dance attire this year will be ALL BLACK FOR ALL CLASSES! Please know that this will be strongly emphasized. We will be marking dancers dressed incorrectly as "absent" this year, so please please send your students in proper attire!

  • Ballet attire is REQUIRED! Plan to keep pink tights, ballet shoes, and leotard in dancer's bags always. This year's team wear will be acceptable in ballet class with tights.

  • If you haven't joined your team BAND group, please email the office for a link!

  • If you're feeling sick or have a fever, please stay home so we don't spread germs.


Last few reminders!

  • No class on Monday, September 4th for Labor day!

  • Activate your text messaging on your account

    • We've noticed some accounts don't have text messaging activated, and we want to make sure everyone is getting our messages!

    • Please click on the below links, the first one if you already have an account log in, and the second one if you don't:

      • General login

      • New account

    • Once you're logged in:

      • Choose the menu

      • Go to Account

      • Then scroll down and you'll see a check box to check off to "Subscribe to updates via texting"

      • Hit save and you're set!


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