What an interesting week we have had! With the chaos and confusion going on all around, we would like to update you with what our studio is doing for the next few weeks. We also have some competition updates so please ready through the entire message.
After weighing out the pro's and con's of keeping the studio open, we have decided that we will remain open for the next two weeks, as long as the quarantine is not increased. We find it important that the studio houses a sense of normalcy and is a safe space for our dancers as this is a very confusing and scary time for our kids. We never have more than about 35 people at the studio at once and feel that it will be a safe place for the kids to be.
With that being said, we will NOT be holding any dancers accountable for absences the next two weeks. If you are not comfortable with your dancer coming to class, keep them home! We are staying open as an option for dancers to have a place to escape to and continue to have a break from everything going on. As always, please keep dancers home if they are sick. If a person in your home has a compromised immune system, we find it best to keep dancers home as well. We will continue to use extra precaution in keeping the studio sanitized and the students washing hands.
We are working on getting a YouTube channel set up with choreography and technique for our dancers to have an option to work at home. This will take some time but we will try to have it up and running by the middle of next week. If you choose to keep your dancer home, this will be a great tool in keeping them up-to-date on their dance class.
As originally planned, we will not be holding any classes during Spring Break. Hopefully by the time Spring Break has come to an end, everything will be up and running as usual.
Competition Dancers: we are in the heart of competition season. We have some updates in regards to our upcoming competitions. As we continue to get information we will get it sent out ASAP!
This weekend competition will still happen, but in a very different way. Empowered Dance will be traveling to studios and will be doing a virtual dance competition. Studio's will still compete against each other via video. We will share more details as we get them. There will be a limited amount of teams allowed at the studio at a time and parents will not be allowed to come watch. It will be much like an audition.
We appreciate and know how hard Empowered has worked to come up with a solution other than canceling the event. They want to make this event work as best as they can as they know how much work our dancers have put into getting ready for competitions, as well as they have put in organizing the event. More info coming soon!
If you are not comfortable with your dancer being in class this week and participating in the competition this weekend, we need to know ASAP so teachers can adjust accordingly. If you are okay and wanting your dancer to compete, please send them to classes.
Relevé Compeition in St. George has been postponed. That is all the info we have so far. We will work hard to keep up on info as we get it. Dare 2 Dance and Arise are still on but as we get updates from government leaders will determine these events.
This is something new and different for everyone involved. Please continue to be patient as we work to find the best solutions for all involved! We will do our best to keep you updated with info as it comes. Here is to hoping everyone stays healthy and sane over the next few weeks!
Sending our love!!
-RW Dance
As always if you have any questions, please email the studio at rhythmworksdance@gmail.com
