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Comp Team Parent Meeting Notes

Writer's picture: RW DANCERW DANCE

For those of you that were unable to attend tonight's meeting, we made sure to take notes! Here they are, please let us know if you have any additional questions. :) It's a LOOOONG ONE!

Tryout Prep Week - classes this week are not required in order to attend but are highly recommended. Girls will be learning combos, and working on technique that will be beneficial for tryouts.


Tues May 25th

1st/2nd Grades 4-5:30pm

7th Grade and up 5:30-8:00pm

Wed May 26th

Pre-K and Kinder 4-5:30pm

3rd/4th Grades 5:30-7:30pm

Thurs May 27th

5th/6th Grades 4-6pm

All girls interested in Elites 6-8:30pm *come to this class in addition to the other scheduled times for added benefit and extra practice!

Next Week there will be an open gym for tumbling practice. This class is currently full. If you are interested in this, please email the office and we will try and schedule another time.

Tryout Week - See prior blog post for dates/times

Please arrive 20 min early for number distribution. Studio 1 will be open for payments. Accounts must be paid current in order to tryout.

Results will be posted the night of the 8th or the morning of the 9th. We will let you know.

Wear form fitting clothes, and hair must be pulled back. Bring water!

**Just a reminder that even though tryouts are held by age group, this does not mean you will automatically be placed in that age group! This all depends on numbers for each age group, skill level, etc. Dancers may be placed on the same team multiple times and this does not mean they will not be learning or improving in skills and technique. We ask you to trust us in this process.

Intensives -

Intensives are required to attend. If vacations have already been planned please contact the office so we can work on a make up day for your dancer.

Syracuse Heritage Days Parade - Saturday, June 26th

Practices will be held during intensives. One additional practice may be scheduled. T-shirts that were given out during recital week will be worn for parade along with black shorts. New RWD members will be given a t-shirt to wear.

Comp Teams will start the first week of August. August and September months are critical for attendance. Choreography will be taught during those months.

Absent Policy - will be strictly monitored this year. Attendance during performance weeks are mandatory in order to perform. Please do not schedule vacations during comp season March-May. Any absences in excess will be required make-up days or private lessons which could include a coach's fee. 6 Leave early/arrive lates will count as an absence. This policy will be on the Team Commitment form you will be signing at intensives for further review.

**If a dancer is injured, please contact the office or bring a note. Girls are here to dance not to watch from the sidelines. If they have an injury, the teacher needs to know from the parent, not just the dancer.

We will be doing team measurements during the first day of intensives. We will need to know specific sizes of your dancer such as tennis shoe size, t-shirt, and pant size.

Team Commitment, liability, and autopay forms will need to be filled out during intensives.

Competitions for next year - we are looking to attend one competition in St. George next Spring - we will get dates and info to you as soon as we have it!

Cell Phone Policy this year, please know that if girls are using these in excess during class time, we will be taking them during class and returned after class is over. If you need to get ahold of your daughter, please call the office if possible.

$$$$Fees$$$$ -

We will be posting the fees and comp team schedule to the website by tryouts. Some things to know -

We are offering 3 costume packages this year for you to choose from.

First Costume Fee will be DUE BY JULY 15th

Monthly Tuition Pricing varies according to team and how many hours they dance.

We package all the fees during the year into your monthly autopayments. There are possible additional fees that are not included in this. Choreography fees, parade fees,master classes are examples of this. We will let you know as these things come up.

Team Jackets are not being ordered this year except for new members of our comp teams. These are $70, and will be the same as last year's jackets. Personalized backpacks are also available to order if you would like. These will be the same as last year as well and are $40.

Reminder that recital fees are a family fee not a dancer fee. One fee per account also means 5 tickets per account.

Summer tumbling classes - these classes are currently full. If you are interested please contact the office, and we will see if we can schedule additional times.

Looking ahead - 2022/2023 dance season we would like to plan a trip to NEW YORK CITY! Dancers will not perform but will be taking dance classes, take in a broadway show and have a blast! This would be an optional trip of course, but in years past has been SO MUCH FUN! Start saving now!!

Thank you for all of those who attended tonight! If you are interested in signing up your daughter for tryouts, please contact the office asap.

Thank you! RWD

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