As a studio and dance family we have the opportunity to donate needed items to Primary Children’s Medical Center this holiday season. We will be collecting items between now and Monday, December 9th.
All donated items must be new and in the original packaging. No used items will be accepted. The following items for all ages are needed:
-Fuzzy Socks
Thank you for your generosity!

A few reminders:
The studio will be closed from Wednesday, November 27th-29th for Thanksgiving Break.
Also, Recital fees have been posted to your account and will need to be paid by dress rehearsals.
Competition Teams Dress Rehearsals will be held on Thursday, December 12th at the studio.
Studio Classes Dress Rehearsals will be held on Friday, December 13th at the studio.
"The Characters of Christmas" dance recital will be held on Saturday, December 14th at 4:30 PM at Northridge High School.
All dancers need to arrive to the High School in their costume with hair and makeup done at 4:00 PM. Look for more information to be emailed regarding hair and costumes next week. It's going to be a great show!