High School Company Team
We are extremely happy to announce that we will be adding a HIGH SCHOOL COMPANY to our competition team program. Company is targeted towards high school dancers in extra curricular activities, such as drill or cheer, or are unable to commit to a full team schedule.
This addition is geared to your availability. Dancers have the opportunity to compete in one or multiple routines. Dancers will attend one or two days of dance which will consist of technique and choreography classes. Technique will have a well rounded structure and allow for dancers to improve in all technical aspects/skills. Technique classes are a requirement to be on Company.
Practice dates will be every 2nd & 4th week of the month, starting in September. Once in February, practices will be held every week until the end of the competition season.
Practice dates/classes will be held:
Thursday 7:45pm - 9:15pm
7:45-8:30 Technique
8:30-9:15 Choreography
Fridays 3:00pm - 4:30pm
3:00-3:45 Choreography
3:45-4:30 Technique
Dancers wanting to compete in multiple routines will attend both practice days. Those who want less of a commitment can sign up and commit to one practice day, whichever is more convenient for your schedule. We understand that there may be times of conflict, dancers can make up any missed days at our make-up Saturdays (the first Saturday of every month, time tbd).
High School Co. will compete at our 2nd and 4th competitions.
There will be a monthly tuition of:
One-day Tuition: (September - January) - $65/month (February - April) - $115/month
Two-day Tuition: (September - January) - $115/month (February - April) - $150/month
Costume fee of $85/costume and competition fees of $40 per dancer per routine (One routine $80 for two comps OR two routines $160 for two comps).
We will be holding an audition on Friday, August 23rd from 3:00-4:30 for any high school dancers wanting to commit to this Company. Please click the link below to register for auditions. Audition fee is $10.